Have you ever felt guilty for taking a moment for yourself, deciding to stop rather than follow the schedules your busy mind had planned for the day? To be honest, I've never been good at prioritizing 'me time.' My dutiful pleaser saboteur, Doris, is always quick to remind me that I am not a priority, while my overbearing headmistress is happy to keep the daily tasks stuck to my forehead. So when I stepped into the bathroom this morning to enjoy a relaxing bath, it wasn't long before a mental knock at the door reminded me that a morning bath was not on today's to-do list. Even when we aim to take a moment for ourselves, switching off and being in the moment is no easy task. It took only a few minutes before the first mental knock on the door disturbed my oasis of peace, and the to-do lists began to float by. So I pictured a sign on the door: 'Bathroom is engaged – sneaky saboteurs not welcome.' This may seem a bit unusual, but this small mental image brought about a shift in perspective and offered new insights — that in the midst of daily responsibilities, it's essential to make room for 'me moments.' After all, we all need a little downtime to recharge, reflect, and gain clarity. What would your small sign say? I have a few signs scattered around the house, the favourites being: "Out for lunch”,“Enjoying a cuppa” and "Silence Please." The message remains the same - saboteurs not welcome! So why not make your own sign, by creating a quick doodle or simply writing down the words and hanging them up as a daily reminder to embrace your space. After all, establishing boundaries for your "me time" and recognizing the value within yourself can truly contribute to a more fulfilled and happier life. Have you ever wondered how it would feel to just sit down and share your story with someone else? To unravel your thoughts and start to imagine the steps you need to take to rethink who you are, and who and whereyou want to be. I am Annie Peutrell, an accredited Co-Active personal coach, and I invite you to kick off your shoes and join me on The Serious Sofa.